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BASIC Engine
BASIC Engine is a family of very low-cost single-board computers with great 2D color graphics and sound capabilities similar to late-1980s to mid-1990s computers and video game consoles.
This family includes:
- “Classic” (home-brew) based on the ESP8266.
- BASIC Engine NG (Next Generation).
- BASIC Engine RX.
- BASIC Engine LT.
Additionally, it is now possible to run on Linux, OSX, Win32 and RaspberryPi; see here.
You interact with the BASIC Engine computers through the class boot-to-BASIC environment in a dialect called Engine BASIC RX. There’s also an excellent introduction for the “absolute beginner to BASIC programming on BASIC Engine”!
- uli’s basicengine-demos repo
- peek82’s BASIC_Engine_Software repo
- bitartrate BASIC-Engine_Programs repo
- 8bitforlife.com (archived)
- Basic Engine NG Asteroids
- Basic Engine by Projekt Produkt!
- uhecht
- Mark Strickland
- BASIC Engine RX - A Very Quick New Feature Test
- BASIC Engine Fake Color Cycling
- BASIC Engine NG - Fake Gravity Testing #1
- Kozmick Raiders: Act 1 - Just A Simple Scaling & Movement Test
- BASIC Engine NG Gamepad & Mouse Tester
- BASIC Engine NG - Very Simple Mouse & Sprite Pointer Demo
- BASIC Engine NG Testing
- BASIC Engine NG - A Quick Blit Test
- BASIC Engine Retro Computer - BASIC Progress Meter
- BASIC Engine Retro Computer - Blitter Test #1
- BASIC Engine Retro Computer - Archimedes Spiral
- BASIC Engine Retro Computer - Ahl’s Benchmark
- BASIC Engine Retro Computer - Five Minute Session
- BASIC Engine Retro Computer - Ahl’s Benchmark
- Basic Engine NG Asteroids
- Sokoban on Basic Engine LT (Orange Pi PC)
- Sokoban on Basic Engine RX (Orange Pi PC)
- “platformer” demo