For all people interested in the continued usage and evolution of the BASIC programming language.

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FreeBASIC is a completely free, open-source, multi-platform BASIC compiler, with syntax similar to Microsoft QuickBASIC, that adds new features such as pointers, unsigned data types, in-line assembly, object orientation, and many others. Although certainly began as a project that focused on compatibility with QB; it has since evolved into its having its own individual identity. It’s certainly one of the modern BASIC’s to have in your personal tool belt!

FreeBASIC is credited as being created (founded) by Andre Victor T. Vicentini circa 2004. From what I understand, the current lead maintainer primarily responsible for the FreeBASIC project is Jeff Marshall. For a full list of those that have and continue to contribute to the FreeBASIC project, be sure to check out the readme.text included with the installation.

Official Website

Official Discord Server

Official Project




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